The element with the least value has the highest property. Consider you have to insert 7, 2, 45, 32, and 12 in a priority queue. Now, understand these properties with the help of an example. If multiple elements have the same priority, it does their removal from the queue according to the FCFS principle.It will delete the element with higher priority before the element with lower priority.Every element of this queue must be comparable.Every element has a certain priority assigned to it.Priority queue in a data structure is an extension of a linear queue that possesses the following properties: The priority of elements determines the order of removal in a queue, i.e., the element with higher priority will leave the queue first, whereas the element with the lowest priority at last. It behaves similar to a linear queue except for the fact that each element has some priority assigned to it. Thus, it is highly used in sorting algorithms. The priority queue in data structure resembles the properties of the hospital emergency queue.

In this queue, the priority depends on the medical condition of the patients. In this queue of patients, the patient with the most critical situation is the first in a queue, and the patient who doesn’t need immediate medical attention will be the last. The hospital emergency queue is an ideal real-life example of a priority queue. To understand it better, first analyze the real-life scenario of a priority queue. Priority Queue is an abstract data type that performs operations on data elements per their priority. Introduction to Priority Queue in Data Structure